The Albanian Network Operators Group (alnog) is an independent, neutral and informal group that promotes the exchange of information and experience between technicians in IP-based networks. Alnog is a forum for both operators of Internet service provider networks, as well as campus and corporate networks. The goal of alnog is to ensure the quality standard of the Albanian Internet and to further develop it through an active exchange of ideas. Alnog was born at the 1st Albanian Network Operators' Forum in Tirana on November 14th 2017 with the aim to create an Albanian network operators' community following the steps of other European groups. The platform of communication is the alnog mailing list. On November 17th 2017 the mailing list was put into function.

Grupi Shqiptar i Operatoreve te Rrjetit eshte nje grup i pavarur, neutral dhe informal, i cili promovon shkembimin e informacionit dhe eksperiences midis teknikeve ne rrjetat IP. Alnog eshte nje forum jo vetem per operatoret e rrjetave te ISP, por dhe rrjetat universitare apo te korporatave. Qellimi i alnog eshte te siguroje standarte te cilesise se larte per Internetin Shqiptar dhe per ta permiresuar ate me tej nepermjet shkembimit aktiv te ideve. Alnog lindi gjate Forumit te pare te Operatoreve Shqiptare te Rrjetit, i clii u zhvillua me 14 Nentor ne Tirane, me qellim per te krijuar nje komunitet te operatoreve shqiptare te rrjetit, duke ndjekur hapat e grupeve te tjera Europiane. Platforma e komunikimit eshte mailing list e alnog. Me 17 Nentor 2017, mailing list u vendos ne pune.

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14 November 2018

ALNOG2 took place at the Albanian National History Museum in Tirana on 14 November 2018. The event was dedicated to Albanian Internet operators (technical managers and network engineers) and included topics such as internetworking, BGP Monitoring, IPv6, with speakers from Internet Society, RIPE NCC, NTT, Seeweb, etc.

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14 November 2017

RASH and NaMeX have organized the “First Albanian Network Operators Forum (ALNOF)”, which brought Albanian Internet operators (technical managers and network engineers) together to discuss about Internet infrastructure and interconnection in the region. The event was held between 9:30 and 17:00 on the 14th of November 2017 in Tirana International Hotel.